Business as Usual.

our mission

New research shows that 100% of businesses want to make money. To do that, they need customers, guests, and clients. By not opening their doors to swaths of our country’s diverse population, not only do they lose significant revenue, but they alienate entire demographics and the allies who support them.

But don’t worry, we’re not here to shame anyone. We’re here to celebrate the businesses that get it right. We’re talking about the businesses that don’t concern themselves with who you love or where you come from. They’re the ones who will sell you a souffle, a comic book, or even change your tire, no questions asked.

Sponsored by Out Boulder County, this campaign celebrates businesses like yours that recognize being “open and inclusive” isn’t hard—nor is it extraordinary. It’s a baseline of how people should treat others.

It’s simply business as usual. And it brings joy to those who see your support.

who is this for?

Human Pay is designed for everyday allies who believe in the simple act of treating everyone with respect and kindness. You may not see yourself as an activist, but you’re a business owner who values everyone that walks through your door. Human Pay is for you—the good-hearted entrepreneur who understands that welcoming all customers, regardless of their background or identity, is just good business.

why human pay?

In a world where headlines may give the impression that LGBTQ+ acceptance and racial harmony are contentious issues, the truth is simple: when customers thrive, businesses do too.

By earning and displaying one of our “Human Pay accepted here” window clings, you send a clear message to every potential and existing customer that your business honors a fundamental baseline of respect.

how do I get involved?

Have you come across our stickers and wondered how to get one? Or maybe you received a sticker from someone who wanted to appreciate your efforts?

If you’re interested in joining this movement, here’s how:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the Human Pay mission
  2. Click below to complete a “Human Identification Test”
  3. Get your sticker!

By becoming a part of Human Pay, you will play a crucial role in celebrating and promoting businesses like yours that prioritize humanity, inclusivity, and kindness.

Thank you for being an everyday ally.

This initiative is sponsored by Out Boulder County—an intersectional LGBTQ+ organization—but it is designed to apply universally to all historically oppressed communities who have ever carried the trepidation of feeling unwelcome, under- served, or unseen when interacting with a business.

To learn more about our organization and the work we do, visit